Basement Waterproofing Contractor
Repel Restoration is centrally located in Deer Park, Long Island, NY. We have been providing solutions for wet, moist and damp basements on Long Island for over two decades. Our basement waterproofing services are numerous; from crack repairs to install fully custom waterproofing systems.
About Basement Waterproofing
Long Island Waterproofing Experts - Repel Restoration Inc. Most people have encountered the frustrating problem of cracks in their basement walls and stubborn water leaks after a heavy rain. They try to fix the crack themselves with a silicone based caulking, which usually doesn't get the job done. Unsatisfied with their "Band-Aid" repair, they remove the caulking and attempt to chisel out the crack in an inverted "v-groove" and fill it with the hydraulic cement. Hydraulic cement does not bond well to concrete and is very rigid. While the concrete expands and contracts with the change in temperature. Efflorescence (white calcium deposits or "fuzz") will start coming up around the rigid plug, followed by water. This is not a very effective way to waterproof your Long Island basement. After a couple of months, the cement plug will become loose and water will begin to seep in from around it.
If your basement has ever leaked or flooded, then you should consider a professionally installed quality basement waterproofing system. Without basement waterproofing, water problems are sure to become worse. If the proper attention and solution is not applied, water problems are sure to worsen. Even if water leaks are uncommon, your Long Island home's air quality can be impacted. If your plan is too finish your basement than having your basement waterproofed first is a must and usually a wise investment. Finishing your basement first could lead to costly repair bills in the future. Our waterproofing systems can be designed to meet the needs of any home or basement, regardless of age or size.
Foundation cracks and leaks are easy to spot but before these problems become apparent there can be many warning signs to a possible problem. click here to learn about some of the most common basement water problems and their warning signs.
Basement Wall Cracks: If you have cracks in your basement wall you should have a trained professional examine the damage. There are several reasons why foundation wall cracks occur. In most cases, cracks can be fixed utilizing a Hydro-Active grout compound. The main purpose of hydro-active grout injection is to permanently fill the full length and dept. of the crack to keep water out. then, water will not penetrate the crack and widen it further because the expandable polyurethane epoxy resin has bonded to each side of the crack. Over 95% of foundation basement cracks are nonstructural, the only problem is the seepage of water. Hydro-active grout injection is the best choice for most basement cracks. The reason is, it bonds well to dry or wet concrete, even if the leak is active at the time of repair.
Basement Foundation Cracks: When basement wall crack becomes a structural problem they begin to pose a health and safety risk to the home's occupants. This type of repair is highly technical and this kind of repair should be performed by a professionally trained foundation repair technician. This type of basement waterproofing repair is challenging work that may require powerful machinery and skilled oversight.
You might be wondering whether your basement wall cracks are structural or are simply the result of normal settling over time. Only a trained basement technician can accurately assess a crack to determine the necessary course of action. Fortunately, the vast majority of basement wall cracks are the result of normal settling, and do not require full foundation repair.

Common Waterproofing Solutions:
- *Hydro-Active Grout Injection
- Exterior Excavation
- Interior Sub floor Drain
- Interior Baseboard System
- Negative-Side Sealant
Whether your house is less than 1-year-old or over 100, whether your foundation is masonry block or poured concrete, Repels basement specialists have the ability and the experience to “diagnose and resolve the problem”. Our mission is to deliver you a dryer basement for the health and longevity of your home and every valuable inside of it services.
Warning Signs
Wet Basement Wall
Wet Walls - This is an easy one. If your basement walls are wet, then it is a definite sign that you have a basement water problem. Note to my Long Island homeowners: It is true that we are on an island and surrounded by water, but that does not mean a slightly wet or moist basement wall is acceptable or normal. At the very least it needs to be looked at by a trained waterproofing professional.
Basement Cove Water Problem
Damp Basement Wall and Floor Seam / Basement Cove - If this is occurring in your basement than it can be a serious waterproofing issue. This problem is often created by Hydro-static Pressure. This is another fancy term often used by waterproofing professionals but it simply refers to the water underneath your home and the force or pressure it exerts. We've all heard many times that water will flow through the path of least resistance so any little crack in your foundation is vulnerable to this hydro-static pressure. Additional, because we are specifically speaking about Long Island basement waterproofing, there is water underneath every single home. You've probably heard mention of the Water Table. Well this water table does not stay static. It changes with the amount of rain, and if we have extended or heavy rainfall the water table rises and hydro-static pressure takes over and your basement cove is vulnerable. If you see this problem, you should call a waterproofing expert to have the problem inspected.
Efflorescence basement wall
Efflorescence - This is the name for the chalky white powder that will appear on your basement walls when water has evaporated. Efflorescence by itself is not dangerous. It is not toxic and can be easily washed off, but it is a sign that you may have a more serious basement water problem.
Basement Floor Crack
Basement Floor Cracks - It is not uncommon to find cracks in basement floors here on Long Island. Concrete shrinkage or expansion can often result in floor cracks. The good news is that these cracks are not usually signs of a poor foundation and your home is most often not in danger of requiring an expensive foundation repair. However, as with a basement cove water problem, the results of hydro-static pressure can often force water through these cracks resulting in wet floors. If your long Island basement is finished with carpeting this can quickly become a serious issue. Depending on the visual inspection and the cause of the water seepage, hydro-active grout injection can be a solution, however if this seal is made, it is possible that the water will just travel and exert pressure on other parts of the basement floor or move to the basement cove. An experienced Repel Restoration expert will always present to you your options and in many floor crack situations an Interior Drain Tile System may be your best solution. This system will drain the water beneath the floor to a sump pump and in the process relieve the hydrostatic pressure and thus solve basement floor and basement cove water leak problems.
basement mold on wall Musty Basement Smell - If your basement starts to have a musty smell it is a warning sign that you may have a water problem. The water doesn't make the smell, but the existence of water is a breeding ground for mold - and the mold is what creates the musty smell. Mold can be a serious problem and can cause health problems. if you or a member of your family has allergies or asthma is is even more critical to solve the leak problem and remove the mold. There is good news... without water it is impossible for mold to grow or spread. Solve the leak and you solve your mold and possible related health issues immediately.